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The State of Email Marketing 2024

Extensive Report

Download The State of Email Marketing 2024 report and learn to ace email marketing.

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Attention in inboxes becomes increasingly scarce. Excellence is required in email marketing.

We analysed the state of email marketing in 2024 with extensive research. We analysed nearly 1000 marketing emails from 25 leading Swedish consumer brands to understand what is filling consumers' inboxes and to identify key trends in email marketing this year.

We also gathered email marketing best practices and common pitfalls based on our experience sending millions of marketing emails annually for our clients.

In the new The State of Email Marketing 2024 report we share the insights with you.

Download the report to:

  • Peek into email marketing strategies of 25 leading customer brands in Sweden
  • Understand common pitfalls of email marketing
  • Master best practices of email marketing
  • Grasp the email marketing tool landscape


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