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Six years of Growth Hacking course at Aalto University

The Data Handbook

How to use data to improve your customer journey and get better business outcomes in digital sales. Interviews, use cases, and deep-dives.

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Heidi Pelkonen



How can we prepare future professionals to thrive in a digital world? That’s the question we tackled at Columbia Road when we teamed up with Aalto University to create an innovative Growth Hacking course. 

In six years, Columbia Road’s Growth Hacking course has evolved from a pilot program into a key component of Aalto University's curriculum, merging theoretical insights with practical, hands-on experience. This course is more than just teaching hands-on skills – it’s about mentoring students to become skilled growth hackers ready to meet the challenges of today’s business environment.

Importance of the Growth Hacking Course: Insights from PROGRAMME DIRECTOR Risto Sarvas

We had the pleasure of talking with Programme Director Risto Sarvas about the evolution and impact of the Growth Hacking course at Aalto University. "What started out as a trendy idea has now become a lasting and essential part of our curriculum".

The course has stuck to its main principles while adapting to our ever-changing digital world. "One big change," Sarvas mentions, "is the growing focus on meta-skills like client interaction and solving real-world problems." By working with real clients, students get invaluable experience that connects their academic knowledge with practical applications.

Sarvas also highlighted the growing importance of growth hacking in today's business world. "Digital technologies have fundamentally transformed how businesses grow," he points out. 

Making the Growth Hacking course a permanent part of the curriculum reflects its crucial role in various industries. "This course is practical and career-oriented," Sarvas says, "giving students more than just theory – it provides a viable career path and essential professional skills." The course's emphasis on real-life projects ensures that students are well-prepared for their future careers, seamlessly blending academic learning with hands-on experience.

Lecturers from real-life growth hackers

One of the primary aims of the course is to integrate real-world insights by inviting industry experts to deliver lectures. One of this year’s guest lecturers was Tuukka Uimonen from Väre, a prominent company that provides electricity in Finland. "Growth hacking is essential for students to grasp its practical application." 

With over five years of active involvement in growth hacking, Uimonen emphasises the significance of understanding human behaviour in digital landscapes. He underscores the importance of integrating growth hacking strategies early on in businesses, asserting that it serves as the bedrock for successful e-commerce operations. 

Uimonen's perspective sheds light on the evolving nature of growth hacking, stressing the need for continuous learning in this rapidly changing field. He advocates for the integration of growth hacking from project inception, warning against its neglect, which often results in compromised user experiences. “The internet has accelerated the pace of change, making teaching a challenge, yet it is valuable to grasp these concepts. Embracing continuous learning is essential for anyone pursuing this field.”



Hands-on client work as a focus area of the course

Another important focus area is equipping students with the essential skills needed to collaborate effectively with clients, something that is often overlooked in traditional university settings. This emphasis on client interaction provides students with invaluable meta-skills that extend beyond pure knowledge. 

One of this year’s client companies was A-Clinic Foundation. "The experience of working with students was truly enriching and eye-opening", says Tarja Virolainen, Head of Communications at A-Clinic Foundation. “Students participating in the course demonstrated exceptional commitment and motivation towards the projects, showcasing their dedication to making meaningful progress.” Virolainen expresses that students exhibited adaptability and eagerness to comprehend the inner workings of A-Clinic Foundation, tackling challenges with a can-do mindset and learning from their experiences along the way.

Virolainen acknowledges the transformative potential of growth hacking, particularly in the face of budget constraints, stating, "Growth hacking is a highly cost-effective approach moving forward. By embracing incremental changes and iterative testing, students gained valuable insights into driving growth and engagement, demonstrating the practical application of theoretical knowledge.” 

Virolainen underscores the importance of patience and experimentation in digital marketing, highlighting how seemingly minor adjustments can yield significant outcomes. “ Ultimately, growth hacking bridges the gap between practical and digital work – they are truly not as separate as one might think. We will definitely continue with growth hacking in the future!", says Virolainen.



Student insights on the Growth Hacking Course

We spoke with two students who participated in this year's Growth Hacking course to get their insights. Tomi Fischer, whose team worked with Aalto Executive Education, took the course to understand growth hacking and marketing tools, crucial for his role as a designer in cross-functional teams. He highlighted the creative aspect of growth hacking, particularly inspired by Slush’s innovative advertising at Flow Festival. His project with Aalto Executive Education provided real-life experience, teaching him valuable skills in Google Analytics and Google Ads, and the importance of effective communication and adaptability in overcoming challenges.

Another student, Lu Cong, emphasised the course's reputation within their student guild and its practical approach. "This course is very hyped up as it offers practical experience alongside theory," she explained. 

The course's blend of planning, execution, data analysis, and client interaction brought together all aspects of her studies. She appreciated the opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause, noting the professional and active engagement of their client. 

Fischer says he focused on learning tools and terminology relevant to growth hacking and valued the course's blend of planning, execution, and data analysis. He continues by stating he enjoyed the guest lectures, which highlighted the creativity in growth hacking and the insights from industry professionals like Heikki Tiittanen from Go By Bike and Tatu Koivisto from Swappie. Both Cong and Fisher emphasised the importance of real-life projects in preparing them for future careers, showcasing the course's practical and career-oriented nature.

Six years of Growth Hacking Course by Columbia Road

This year, the Aalto Growth Hacking course was organised by Roadies Rebecca Sutton, Heidi Pelkonen and Annika Katter. Heidi and Rebecca represent martech competence and Annika design competence. With their diverse backgrounds and complementary skills, they brought a unique blend of creativity, organisation, and technical expertise to their lectures. 

“I’ve enjoyed teaching immensely! Not only do you get to scratch your head with the questions laid out by the students, which truly tests your expertise in said matter - but this is also a good practice that extends to mentoring junior colleagues in the workplace”, says Annika. 

Heidi chimes in: “Teaching growth hacking is hard, but this way, you definitely keep on top of things. This also benefits our customers at Columbia Road, in that we are up to industry standards. I’m also proud to work at a company that wants to give back and invest in these teaching projects.”

“We feel that it’s important for future professionals to learn about these skills as digital technologies continue to evolve and an ever-growing number of businesses utilise growth hacking in their commerce and marketing activities”, Rebecca adds.

The Data Handbook

How to use data to improve your customer journey and get better business outcomes in digital sales. Interviews, use cases, and deep-dives.

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