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Roadie Highlight: Meet László Sólyom from Associate Program 2024

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Mia Jokiluhta


Get an inside look at László Sólyom's journey through Columbia Road's Associate Program 2024. From learning new skills to creating memorable connections, László shares his experiences and highlights of being a Roadie! 

László Sólyom


School: Aalto University
Major: ICT Innovation - Cloud and Network Infrastructures

Why Columbia Road?

I first met a couple of Roadies at career fairs I attended as a student. Their energy stood out – the atmosphere was so different from everyone else I talked to at the fairs; open, approachable, and genuinely engaging. That impression left a lasting impact on me, and I felt compelled to learn more about Columbia Road. I ended up applying even before the Associate Program was officially announced, simply because I liked what I saw so much.

Meeting more Roadies during the interview process confirmed that I had made the right choice by applying. Every interaction reinforced my first impression, and I felt a strong connection with the company culture. The recruitment process went smoothly, so here I am – and I couldn't be happier!

What have you learnt during the Associate Program?

The learning curve has been steep from day one. On the technical side, I've been working with new tools in a brand-new environment, so every day has brought fresh challenges and opportunities to grow, right from the get-go. 

However, I'd say the most important lessons for me have been about how to thrive in a community-led environment. Coming from a university background, I was used to strict deadlines, detailed instructions, and professors always checking on my progress. Here, things are different – tasks are often flexible, requiring adjustments along the way. I had to learn how to define my own approach and take ownership of my work, which has allowed me to practice a ton of useful skills from planning and designing to execution.

What have been your highlights during the Associate Program?

The biggest highlight for me has been getting to know my fellow Roadies. I've had so many insightful conversations, even on the most ordinary days there's been something extraordinary – whether it's learning something new from the more experienced people around me or a funny encounter at the office. Additionally, we've had plenty of afterwork gatherings and events throughout my time here that have been great fun.

What are your plans for the future?

I'll continue as a full-time Associate Consultant at Columbia Road while I finish my master's thesis at Aalto – hopefully sooner rather than later! I feel like there's still so much for me to learn in the world of consulting, and I'm excited to keep growing as a Roadie.

Anything else on your mind?

What really stands out to me at Columbia Road is how supportive everyone is. I love that people are truly caring and always available to help with whatever questions I might have. Being part of such a constructive environment is something I'm truly grateful for.

Want to be in László's position this time next year? Apply now to be part of our 2025 Associate Program! Take the next step in your career, learn new skills, and make the most of your summer with great colleagues.


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