They're witty, talented and fun! Meet our 2022 Associate Roadies and hear their stories – what is Roadie life about, what their summer has been like, what they've learnt, and what their future plans are.
Iiris Joutsi
Aalto University, School of Science | Security & Cloud Computing
Role: Software Development Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
I first heard of Columbia Road at University, where CR has quite a presence. Previously, I had not been that close in contact with clients in software development. I wanted to try consulting with a bit more responsibility and human interaction and from what I had heard from other people working at CR, I gathered that Columbia Road offers just that.
I was also attracted by the culture at CR and the flat hierarchy which I had never experienced before in a consultancy. I imagined that CR could challenge me in a new way by also allowing me to solve business-related issues. So, I decided to apply to the Associate Program to see for myself!
What did you learn during the summer?
My summer at Columbia Road was the most rewarding learning experience! In addition to broadening my tech stack, I learned a lot about consulting skills and how to include clients in the development process. I think one of the most valuable things I learned was to have confidence in making decisions and justifying them. I gained so much more confidence in my skills as well as my learning. Another thing to highlight would be that I learned new ways of knowledge sharing and felt like I didn’t have to stay at the receiving end.
What are your plans for the future?
I will be continuing my Master’s studies at Aalto and working at Columbia Road part-time. I’m really hoping to utilise the skills developed here at CR in my studies and vice versa! In the long run, I want to be a part of some exciting, security-related projects and develop my skills on that front!
Anything else on your mind?
I can warmly recommend the Associate Program at CR to everyone who wants to work in a more modern consultancy! I’ve met some of the nicest people here and truly feel so proud of my fellow Associates. Sharing our experiences together has been one of the most enjoyable experiences this summer!
Jakob Sumelius
Aalto University, School of Business | International Design Business Management
Role: Design Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
I had my eye on Columbia Road for quite some time before becoming a Roadie. The company was very active in the Aalto community, and I kept hearing great things about the people, company culture and ways of working. As a designer with an academic background in business, I’ve often felt stuck between two fields. But when I saw that Columbia Road was looking for “business-minded designers”, it felt like a tailor-made role for me. Additionally, after working as an in-house designer at a start-up for roughly two years, I thought consulting would be a good next step in my career. So, I applied the first chance I got and here we are!
What did you learn during the summer?
I learned a great deal about how consulting works in practice, while also getting a better grasp of how consultancies are run in this particular field of business. I also got a deep dive into new growth hacking practices, while polishing my UX & UI design skills. Overall, I really enjoy how Columbia Road has managed to create a learning atmosphere where your colleagues are very eager to help you and teach you new things. Professional growth is an imminent part of the company culture, and you can really feel that we’re encouraged and supported to become the best versions of ourselves.
What are your plans for the future?
Since I managed to finish my Master’s thesis and graduate during the summer, I was offered a full-time position as a consultant here at Columbia Road. I gladly accepted. In other words, my current plan is to keep working as a Roadie, growing professionally and helping our clients in the best possible way.
Anything else on your mind?
I’ve never felt as welcome in a company as when I joined Columbia Road. This company proves that it is possible to be yourself and have fun while truly making a substantial impact on both client success and personal growth.
Niklas Thomas
Aalto University, School of Business | International Business
Role: Marketing Technology Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
Having a background in ecommerce/digital marketing, and an interest in consulting, Columbia Road seemed like the perfect fit for me. Mainly, consulting intrigued me due to the project-based work which provides tremendous opportunities to learn and help develop businesses.
When applying to Columbia Road, I read through most of the material that was available, including the Columbia Road Culture Code Book. I was very impressed with the statements the company made and decided to apply. Throughout the entire interview process, I felt the presence of the exact kind of culture that the book mentioned.
What did you learn during the summer?
I actually started at Columbia Road in January as I finished my Bachelor's degree and was available for work. Since then, I have worked on a handful of projects in B2B & B2C analytics, server-side analytics, marketing automation strategy and development, and SEO. These projects have taught me a lot of valuable hands-on knowledge and skills. Often working on many projects at once, I have also learned how to better prioritise my work, and navigate projects in uncertain situations.Aside from my learnings from client work, I have also learned the true value of great work culture. Columbia Road’s culture enables people to do their best work to maximise client results and their own professional growth in a relaxed environment. It gives people the freedom to communicate openly, and take on projects that interest them.
What are your plans for the future?
I moved to Finland 3 years ago and have yet to go to the Finnish Army, which I will do in January. I plan to work at Columbia Road until then and also plan to work after my service. I am still contemplating starting my Master's Degree immediately as I want to continue growing at Columbia Road.
Liisi Korvenranta
Aalto University, School of Science | Information Networks
Role: Marketing Technology Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
When I first heard about Columbia Road back in my freshman year, I was interested in working in marketing but didn’t know how I’d incorporate it with my technical study background. A few years passed and some of my fellow students had found their way to Columbia Road and I began hearing excellent things about the company as an employer. I was later sold on the way they combined everything I had learned in school - design, marketing and tech - with a business mindset.
I knew that at CR, I would be able to explore my interest in marketing while developing my skills from school in an environment where the aforementioned competencies aren’t viewed as silos, but rather as a single unit to generate sustainable, strategic growth. I applied for the MarTech summer associate position based on my previous experience in marketing and was thrilled to hear I got the spot!
What did you learn during the summer?
During the summer I gained a handful of practical skills and learned new marketing technologies as I got to work with two highly versatile projects, where I was trusted by both my colleagues and the client from the get-go. In addition, I learned a lot from my fellow Roadies about tech, design and sales from working in cross-competence teams. My biggest takeaway, however, was that I got to grow as a consultant through the tight-knit client work I had the pleasure to do throughout the summer. Helping clients succeed in their own work is something I learned to love.
What are your plans for the future?
I’m currently finishing up my Master’s Thesis along which I’ll be working with a lovely client part-time. My goal is to graduate by the end of the year and begin my journey as a full-time consultant at Columbia Road. I aim to keep growing and learning as a full-stack digital marketer and possibly expand my skill set by learning from our talented strategy consultants. My personal career dream is to work with a client operating in the circular economy market!
Anything else on your mind?
The way Columbia Road looks after their employees all while letting them “be their own boss” in a community-led organisation has been a pleasure to witness. From day one, it was apparent that Columbia Road has made it their mission to thoroughly onboard, support and entertain their employees, providing the best environment to work, learn and have fun in. This creates a wonderfully unique culture within the company which is what makes Columbia Road truly stand out.
Juuso Kallio
Aalto University, School of Science | Computer Science
Role: Software Development Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
I had heard from friends and other students that Columbia Road is a great place to work especially thanks to its friendly community and talented people. I also saw it as a challenge as the Associate Program has a lot of applicants every year. Moreover, one of the main reasons I sought a job this summer was to become a better developer and learn more about the industry. The best way to do this is of course to work with the best!
What did you learn during the summer?
A lot, among other things I improved my skills with React, CSS, and WordPress. In addition, I learned how consulting works and even picked up a few things from the industries some of our clients work at. Time and resource management were also valuable lessons I learned throughout the summer.
What are your plans for the future?
To finish my Bachelor’s this academic year and gain more experience as a developer and consultant, and have fun in the process. I also look forward to getting to know new people, be that clients or co-workers I haven’t yet had the chance to get to know that well. Additionally, I plan on introducing more of my coworkers to the world of chess.
Anything else on your mind?
The summer was great, although the project I worked on was relatively challenging at times. Perhaps consequently the most rewarding part of the summer was the positive feedback I got regarding the project, from both my project's onboarder and the client. Looking forward to what the future brings!
Jenni Piispa
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences | Digital Design
Role: Design Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
I first came across Columbia Road while I collaborated with them at my previous job. Their knowledge and can-do attitude were something that really inspired me. This collaboration piqued my interest in design and consulting and it was really something I wanted to do. After the first interview, I instantly knew that this company would be a perfect match for me due to my in-depth knowledge of ecommerce and passion for design. I felt the company culture and flat hierarchy were something I’d never experienced before and wanted to be a part of it.
What did you learn during the summer?
During the summer I learnt a lot from being a consultant and the combination of different competencies. It was a great opportunity to work on many different projects using methods of UX/UI design, service design, and growth design. I got to dive deep into the important design skills and tools while delivering the best possible outcome for our clients. I also learnt a lot about communication and time management. I was surrounded by the most talented team, who were always ready to share their knowledge and support me with anything.
What are your plans for the future?
I will continue to work as a part-time consultant during my final year at the University. I know I will learn a lot of new skills and I’m excited to see how I will grow as a designer! In the future, I want to be able to help clients to build their online businesses in a more sustainable way.
Anything else on your mind?
The culture of Columbia Road is one of a kind. From day one I felt really welcome. All Associate Consultants work alongside permanent consultants and everyone is granted the same responsibilities no matter what their role is. I highly recommend this amazing company to anyone interested in ambitious consulting work and anyone who enjoys being surrounded by warm, passionate people. I had an amazing summer and I am really excited about what the future will hold!
Max Mäkipää
Aalto University, School of Science | Software and Service Engineering
Role: Software Development Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
My friend was a summer associate here at Columbia Road last year and after hearing about the great experiences and the trust that Columbia Road places in the summer associates, I knew that this is definitely something I would like to experience myself. I had not worked as a full-time software developer before, but I felt that I had reached the point where I wanted to put the skills I had acquired through education and earlier job experiences to a real test. My aim for the summer was to soak the information in like a sponge and broaden my skill set to start the journey of finding my place in the field. I could not have imagined a better way to achieve it than to work as a full-stack consultant in a supportive and friendly environment.
What did you learn during the summer?
Now compared to the start of the summer, the difference in both my consulting and developer skills, as well as self-confidence, is huge. As a consultant, I learned a lot about project management which I had very little experience with before: budget management, effective time and resource allocation, and taking full ownership and responsibility of the client projects I was working on. As a developer, I have to say that it was a bit terrifying to join projects with a variety of new technologies and tools that I had never used before, but it was also a great confidence boost when I noticed how fast I was able to familiarise myself with the new technologies and constantly get more efficient with the tasks I was doing. I also noticed that as the summer went by, I improved a lot in evaluating the time and work needed to convert an interesting idea or a request from the client into a real working solution.
What are your plans for the future?
I don’t really plan ahead too much and I like to see where the road (pun intended) takes me. In the big picture, I want to keep improving myself professionally as a software and web developer but I am also eager to learn stuff related to other competencies as well. As I am still in the very early stages of my career, I want to stay open to new interests alongside software development, possibly get more involved in design, or something else I don’t even know about yet. Fortunately, I’m sure that if or when I want to seek new information or challenges, the people here at Columbia Road are willing to help and encourage me in my learning journey.A bit more detailed short-term plan would be that I am continuing my Master’s studies this fall and will be working at Columbia Road part-time. I am hoping to finish my studies in two years and would be happy to keep working here for that time, and why not after!
Anything else on your mind?
From the very first day at the office, or even from the very first interview, I have had only positive encounters with the people here at Columbia Road and that is something I truly value. Just want to thank all you Roadies, and especially all the other Summer Roadies, for making this not only a great learning experience but also a great summer overall!
Melissa Alasalmi
Hive Helsinki | Software Development
Role: Software Development Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
When I started working as a web developer last year, I realised I needed a bit more practice and mentorship to help me reach that next level. I learn best by working on real-life cases, surrounded by a supportive community, and after hearing about the associate program at Columbia Road from a friend, it seemed like a perfect match. I wasn’t sure I would get very far in the recruitment process because I’m mostly self-taught, but here I am! I have to say - my expectations have been met and surpassed.
What did you learn during the summer?
My biggest learning was how to be a consultant. Though most consultancy skills are shared by all consultants (such as self-management, communication, and minding the scope), it’s also a very individual thing. For me, being able to help clients succeed in their business goals gives my work a lot of meaning. I have learned to trust my abilities more. Every project so far has included a theme or technology I had not previously worked with. But before long, I’ve found myself feeling confident in these new skills and thankful for the learning and growth that comes with them!
I have also done what I came here to do - sharpen my hard skills! Those tend to sneak up on you. Out of the blue, you suddenly realise that you are blazing through tasks that used to take much longer to solve, or that you are coming up with more well-thought-out solutions than you used to. It’s satisfying to see the quality of my code improving while still being able to deliver on time.
What are your plans for the future?
A lot of the same! I will continue at CR as a full-time consultant and I really look forward to continued growth here. I enjoy working on my current projects, and there are also many more cool projects coming up!
Juho Martikainen
Tampere University, Management and Business | Industrial Engineering & Management
Role: Sales Development Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
The first time I heard about Columbia Road was in 2019 when I was volunteering at our guild’s board as responsible for corporate relations. I visited the CR office in Eteläesplanadi and got really interested in the company, but the time was not right back then for me to apply. Now a few years later, I wanted to find a new path in my career and a CR ad came to our guild’s channels at the perfect time.
But why stay in the company? The people are motivated and a growth mindset is embraced by everyone. I also appreciate Columbia Road’s ways of working that promote transparency and inclusivity!
What did you learn during the summer?
The summer was full of learning. I’m working with Sales Development and most of the learnings are related to sales: how to contact leads efficiently, how to turn leads into meetings and how to help turn meetings into closed cases. I also learned a lot more about self-management as CR is a community-led organization without directors or managers. Everyone has the freedom to make decisions concerning their own work - which also of course goes hand in hand with having some more responsibility.
What are your plans for the future?
I’m starting the last year of my Master's and while working at Columbia Road part-time, I’m planning on doing my Master’s thesis next spring. Going further into the future, I would also maybe like to try hands-on consulting.
Anything else on your mind?
Summer 2022 was all in all just great. My fellow associates are incredibly nice and talented and we have become a tight-knit group! One thing I really appreciate at Columbia Road is that we have a great balance between work and free time. We are motivated professionals but we also know how to have fun together!
Kaarlo Liukkonen
Aalto University, School of Science | Information Networks
Role: Software Development Associate Consultant
Why Columbia Road?
Columbia Road has been on my radar since I started at Information Networks, since they are very active in the Aalto community. There were also many alumni from my studies working at Columbia Road, so I kept hearing great things about the company. In my fourth year at Aalto, I already had some idea of what I would like to do for my career: be able to combine my passion for tech and design. And as it happened, when I was pondering upon these things Columbia Road was searching for new Associates! At Columbia Road, people don’t work in silos based on their previous competencies but are instead encouraged to broaden their expertise. For me, this is a great place to deepen my tech know-how, but also to look beyond that!
What did you learn during the summer?
My summer was quite the learning journey! Besides broadening my tech stack I also learned a lot about consulting and how to do client work. I also grew a lot during the summer, gaining more confidence and experience and being able to express myself more clearly. As a bonus, so to say, I also learned how knowledge sharing can be facilitated inside a company, which is really cool!
What are your plans for the future?
My short-term plan is to continue studying for my Master’s and working at Columbia Road. My long-term plans after studying involve working on more strategic-level sustainability projects and learning from the more experienced consultants at CR.
Anything else on your mind?
Columbia Road truly looks after its employees' well-being. Employees are cared for and the people are at the centre of decision-making. Another thing I like about Columbia Road is that we have people working from all around the world, which makes the working environment really international. All in all, I really enjoyed the summer working at Columbia Road and can’t wait for what’s next!
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